Friday, January 25, 2008


I have been thinking of some appropriate title for this, but could not come up with any. So, ended up with something arbitrary. You are sure to laugh if u get to know the reason behind the title i have given.

I still remember this ex-classmate of mine, whom i was with in my junior years. She was a extremely touchy girl who used to feel low for anything that happens, to anyone for that matter. Once she told us she was very sentimental and never likes to part with anyone or anything. And hence she ended up letting us know that she has saved all her used notebooks, bags,pens,erasers and many other trivial things. She never even cut her nails unless her mother forced her and literally cut it for her and neither her hair. She had real long hair. We were roaring with laughter when we heard it.

It so happened that i had to have a hair cut last weekend. I should have done that months ago but somehow it went on getting postponed. Yeah, its a cut not trim or anything. Fringes and frizzies and tufts and locks of hair was going to be cut and thrown off. Well.. not literally.. of course i dint have so much hair to do all that. It was merely making a bob, which was just due to the fact that it had not been cut for long, a crew. I have been doing this for 20years now. Yes, i have never had hair more than a bob.

On an unrelated note, one of my classmates in college tells me every second day to let my hair grow. And, You wont believe if i say the reason he gives is that i can more be a part of the girls gang if i do it!!!! But he does say it and too often at that. No, that cant be true. You are a part of any gang because you are good, amicable, for the person you are, not for the length of hair. At least this is what i say to myself all the time. To be honest, this is what i expect out of people, to accept me for what i am and not for what i look like. So, i never paid head to him.

Okay, now getting back to what happened. Mom started with her routine talk. "You are old enough to let hair grow. Oh no mom, i am very comfortable this way...... Hey but you look pretty better this way, this suits you....." This goes on hardly for 10min for i promise to let it grow at some later date for sure and not this time and she always agrees. She knows, she can always force me into it when its time :)
But this time she really caught me. No, not literally again. She just managed to get me focussed on the point that may be its better this way. I was contemplating. Do i cut or no. Frankly, the reason was not the look but that in the afore mentioned paragraph. [ Now, for those who don't get it.. i am sorry, i just cant really be more explicit]

The idea kept growing. May be i don't cut it now, and it grows. But.. how long?? when do i stop.. am i never gonna cut again?? I have always liked this look of Meg Ryan. I think it looks so cute. Hey, but that is as much as i have got now, not more. No, its gotta be more than that. Halle Berry..hmmm.. in Flintstones.. no its again the same. May be Laura Allen, yes that sounds pretty right, pretty long too or.. may be it is not. So, who else.. Katie Holmes. Jessica Alba.. no.. thats wavy, mine is too straight. No, i wont cut it till its long. And then i would go for the Mischa Barton kind, errr, no, its Megan Fox. Yeah that could be it, just right. And suddenly, i hear mom shouting, she had been calling me for quite sometime but no response, its time to go to the parlor. Oh my!! i don't wanna go , but how can i express it to mom. Me, who had been objecting it for 20 years, wanting to have it now. Will mom be happy if i say it all or.. will she think something is terribly wrong with me. So, deciding against it, i went with her reluctantly. And there i was, thinking of how to put thoughts into words, during the 5min drive. At last, we were there. No way to back out and then i near the door. My Goodness!! There is a note saying the parlor is closed and will be so for another week!!!! I felt so light to return back home with the mass right on my head!!

P.S. A week later i went and got my hair cut. Now i am the old casual comfortable self . The like of pixie short haircut. Always easy, always ready!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey... never knew you observed so close to reach even Mischa barton... surpised to see so many names in your blog. Many interesting things to know from your , only to accept it very late :) Anyway, good haircut..oops...sorry ...good post.