Saturday, September 13, 2008

Is this what is called love?? 2

I have already written something with the same title.. but.. as always..I could not come up with anything better.. well.. not even anything else.. so.. had to resort to this at last.. but unlike what it was last time this is pretty different..

Have you ever wondered what it is to be in a relationship.. that relationship which almost every college going guy n gal seems to be into.. at least a lot in my college do. Me and my friends discuss it a loads of times. How exactly do you define a relationship!! All of us talk to a many people of the opposite sex.. So.. what exactly differentiates this from a relationship.. Who would be your good friend and who your boy/gal friend..

I just got enlightened.. not exactly.. but.. sort of.. A peek into a conversation between one such lovey-dovey couple so much in love ( Hey I'm really sorry I am posting it here.. but realize.. its coz I found it just great ) Over a call...

She: Hey, guess where I'm right now..
He: Where dear
She: ...(explains the exact location)
He: hmmm.. what about it??
She: around 5 yrs back, in this very place I fell down from a cycle :(
He: OH MY GOODNESS!! U actually feel down from a cycle here.. oh my god oh my god.. that is so damn bad.. how did you fall?? oh my!! what happened??
She: I just feel down..But.. Nothing happened.. ha ha ha.. I was not injured a bit
He: yipeee GOOD GOOD GOOD.. nothing happened.. that is so very good sweetheart.. you dint get injured at all.. nice nice..
She: yeah.. so good right :)
He: yeah.. so damn good.. :) :)

Can you beat that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah??? You can?? Really?? Well.. then.. You must be in a relationship!!! :)

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