Sunday, August 12, 2012

2 Years and Counting

Back again.. and with a good timing too. For some weird reason, here I was, checking this space out when I realized its time for the "2 yrs old professional" post. Yes! It has been two years now. What can I say, I am actually a normal person who can hold a job. (Ok, if you put it that way, it does not sound all that good. But good it is!) As everyone, I have had my share of ups and downs but I still like the work I do and the people I work with. So, yes, good it is. 

Talking of people, it has been great. Even more than the first year. I made some very good friends, whom I'm comfortable socializing with outside of work. Essentially, I was ready to let them into my personal lives. Got a mentor who has been a wonder. Learnt a lot, work, culture, professionalism, politics and more. (Somebody teach me the grammar that I'm so conveniently letting go of) Found my groove and got good at it. Learnt math, stats, finance, management, lean and some more. Worked with different kinds of people, in corporate offices and  manufacturing facilities and at multiple locations too. Saw a bit of the world. Became a lot more independent in a lot of fronts. On the whole, it has been a great one year.

A better analyst and a better person.. and now down under! 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

To This Space, Again..

As always, here I'm, after 7 or so months and finally I seem to have a reasonably better sense of what drives me here. The primary factor being boredom, especially at work when I've no deadlines coming up. That does not essentially mean I don't have tons of work. It just means that I decided to cram it all up into three 20 hour days instead of a sane week. So, being bored I start to search through my reader instead of just the usual news bits when I eat and I come up with quite some writings which reminds me that I've a blog too and I need to fill it up once in a while if I want to reminisce 25 years from now. (Yes, I know, that is quite an assumption. But then, why not!)

Alright now, what was I up to all these months. Ahh, quite a bit, new job requirements, new locations, new people, a lot of hustle and bustle, mayhem, a total topsy turvey and back to the normal life, almost. Me being the, no actually, me not being the person that I used to be, I am going to refrain from explaining every tedious moment of the past few months and stick to some not-so-disturbingly-personal thoughts and ideas. Well, in the  near future.. hopefully..